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3 Ways to Use Video Internally in Your Business

Video is a powerful communication tool.

That’s why more and more businesses are investing in video marketing, creating product videos, testimonial videos, and more.

But video isn’t just a powerful marketing tool – it’s also a powerful tool for communicating internally with your employees.

So, in this blog, we explore three ways you can use video internally in your business.


Successfully training your employees is one of the most basic tasks in any business. And when it comes to training your employees, one of the most important measures of training success is consistency.

When your training is consistent, you can be confident your clients will get the same quality experience every time they interact with your business, regardless of who handles the interaction. If you operate across more than one location, consistent training also helps to ensure your clients will get the same quality experience no matter where they’re interacting with your business.

That’s where video-based training really comes into its own. Using video training content ensures you can maintain a consistent approach to training your employees no matter who is conducting the training, or where. As an added bonus, with today’s technology, delivering video training couldn’t be easier. Whether you deliver the training remotely, through company apps or intranets, or even in-store, video training is a versatile solution to ensuring training consistency.

Many businesses have recognised the importance of video training for some time. For example, McDonalds – one of the most successful businesses of all time – used to use VHS tapes to train their employees.

With today’s technology, video training is accessible to small businesses, not just large ones. If you’re an employer, you can use – and benefit from – video training in your business.

Internal communication

Think for a moment about the kinds of internal communications your business uses. Perhaps you have a company-wide email newsletter. Maybe you share regular updates on the state of the business, or your CEO shares weekly messages that are sent to every team member.

Now imagine using videos for your internal communication, instead of your current mediums.

According to HR Tech, employees are likely to retain 95% of a message when it’s delivered to them in the form of a video. That’s right – ninety-five percent. This is hardly surprising when you consider that video is a more engaging medium than a newsletter, an email, or an internal fact sheet.

Many businesses are increasingly using video to disseminate important company information, including updates on internal projects, special initiatives, new products and/or services, and other internal company news.

All are great topics for video content – especially if you want your employees to remember what you’re sharing!

Live streaming

If your business is based in two or more locations, then live-streamed video can be a great way to bring your geographically dispersed workforce together. (This is also true if your employees are dispersed because they work from home.)

Live streaming is a great way to encourage participation, collaboration, and camaraderie across your different workplaces. For example, you can use live streaming to bring your team together for events such as an awards ceremony, with “live crosses” to other offices.

If your teams are spread out, training can also be live streamed, so all your employees can benefit not only from the delivery of consistent training, but also from hearing the same questions answered from site to site.

In the age of COVID, many businesses turned to live-streaming as a necessity. Now, those same businesses are recognising the benefits of continuing to live stream certain events and content.

Are you ready to use video in your business?

If you’re excited to use video in your business for training, internal communication, or live-streamed events, Starlight Media would love to help!

Contact us today for an obligation-free chat about your goals and vision for internal business videos.